Saturday, September 19, 2009

Video link one of my favorite videos on TeacherTube

Here is a link to a video on TeacherTube that I hope you like as much as I did.

This video is about how to create a classroom suitable to prepare our students for the 21st century. The idea is to create an environment where students are active participants in the learning process and not just passive listeners expected to spew back information presented during lectures. Brain research has shown us that children remember more when they are the ones asking the questions, and creating a classroom that facilitates this type of learning can be done by following the authors 3 basic steps. I have a variety of learners that enter my room for learners with special needs, and it is not uncommon to have 3 different sessions active at the same time; therefore, it is important that I have a room where students can feel comfortable and connected so they can develop into lifelong learners.

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